Enabling endless possibilities for millions of businesses.

Our global reach

30+ Currencies

We accept payments in more than thirty currencies

20M+ API calls

API calls per day, peaking at 231 requests per second.

500k+ payments daily

Average number of payments processed daily.

15+ payment options

Debit & Credit cards - Bank Account - Mobile money- POS - M-Pesa - VISA QR - Bank Transfer - USSD

Creating endless possibilties for you and your business

“CloudPay’s payment infrastructure has helped improve the way consumers interact with their finances.”

Jessica Paul | Senior product manager at mDollar.

Safety and security guaranteed

At CloudPay, we take security seriously, so every payment made on our platform is 100% secure, even exceeding industry standards.

ISO 27001 & 22301 Certification

Our ISO 27001 & 22301 certification means that we have acceptable business practices and processes, including a robust business continuity plan.

PA DSS & PCI DSS Compliant

This certification is proof that Flutterwave as a payment gateway processor, has satisfied the highest level of Security Audit and authorizations.

Getting Started is Fast and Easy!

Create an account and instantly start accepting payments, selling your beautiful products online and building financial tools.